Create detail of order, Send data to another activity using intent, Show data on profile layout, and Create layout login.
Total : IDR 1.000.000,-
(4 x 3-Hour Class)
Day 1 : Introduction
Get Introduce to Android Studio and learn how to code, design, and language used on Android Studio. Create Splash Screen,
then run your app to Android Device.
Day 2 : Create Layout Simple GoFood App
Create layout dashboard using navigation bottom. Introduction to fragment, Create list using recyclerview on fragment, and Add listener and count total price.
Day 3 : Continue Create GoFood App
Introduction to Shared Preferences, then create login using
Shared Preferences.
Day 4 : Finalize GoFood App
Create Login layout, Introduce to retrofit and JSON, then Create Get data using retrofit.
Total : IDR 1.500.000,-
(4 x 3-Hour Class)
Day 1 : Create Note App Using Local Database
Introduction to Local Database, create Database Helper, Create and Read of database
Day 2 : Continue Create Note App Using Local Database
Create Update and delete database, then, Check database using web.
Day 3 : Continue Create Note App
Create POST data using retrofit, Get photo use camera and gallery , POST Multipart data using camera.